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Invitation to Propose Agenda and Candidate for Director

BackJun 30, 2009


Ref.No. 4834

29 June 2009

Subject: Invitation to Shareholders to Propose the 2009 Shareholders' Annual General Meeting Agenda and Qualified Candidate for Director Position

To: President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand

Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) would like to inform that, in promoting good corporate governance practice relating to the equitable treatment of shareholders, AOT is inviting shareholders to propose matter to be included as the 2009 Shareholders' Annual General Meeting Agenda, and qualified candidate to be nominated as AOT's Director, starting from July 1, 2009 until September 30, 2009. The criteria of the proposal have already been disclosed in the following website:

Please be informed accordingly.

Yours sincerely,

Flying Officer
Company Secretary
Authorized Person

Office of Company Secretary
Tel. 0-2535-5657
Fax. 0-2535-5540


  • 2009-06-30_AOT_E.pdf (Size: 27,940 bytes)