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Appointment of New Company Secretary

BackAug 08, 2008


Ref. No. 6124 8 August 2008

Re: Appointment of New Company Secretary

Attn: President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand

Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) would like to inform that AOT Board of Directors, at the meeting No.15/2008 dated 7 August 2008, has resolved to appoint Flying Officer Pearl Rugsamruad to be Company Secretary in replacement of Miss Suwannee Samrongwatana. The appointment is effective from 8 August 2008 onwards.

Please be informed accordingly.


Yours sincerely,


Senior Executives Vice President
(Planning and Finance)
Authorized person


Company Secretary Office
Tel. 0-2535-5657
Fax. 0-2535-5540


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