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The appointment of the Remuneration Committee

BackFeb 09, 2007


8 February 2007

Subject: The appointment of the Remuneration Committee

To: President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand

Regarding to the Resolution of the Airports Of Thailand Public Company Limited's Board of Directors Meeting No. 6/2007 dated 8 February 2007 at the Board Meeting's Room, 7th Floor,Head Office Building. The Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Chirmsak Pinthong as a memberof the Remuneration Committee. Therefore, the members of the committee are as follows:

1. Mr. Chavalit Sethameteekul Chairman

2. Air Chief Marshal Narongsak Sangapong Member

3. Mr. Chirmsak Pinthong Member

Please be informed accordingly.


Yours sincerely,


(Kulya Pakakrong)
Senior Executive Vice President (Planning and Finance)
Acting President
Authorized person