Financial Performance For Q2 Of FY 06 Increase More Than 20%
No. 323 15 May 2006
RE: Notification of Information regarding financial performance for
the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2006 ended March 31st, 2006
increases more than 20 percent compared with the 2nd quarter of
the previous fiscal year
Attn: President, the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Airports of Thailand Public Co., Ltd. (AOT) and its subsidiaries'
performance for the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2006 ended March 31st,
2006 has operating income Baht 4,278.18 million,operating expenses
Baht 1,722.24 million, other income Baht 2,394.03 million, and profit
before interest and income tax expense Baht 4,956.13 million. The net
profit of Baht 3,731.38 million increases of Baht 1,112.13 million
(Baht 2,619.25 million for the 2nd quarter fiscal of year 2005), or
42.46 %. This increase is attributable to:
1. Operating income for the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2006 is
recorded for Baht 4,278.18 million, increase of Baht 667.14 million
from the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2005,comprises,
1.1 Aeronautical Revenue for the 2nd quarter of fiscal year
2006, AOT recorded aeronautical revenue of Baht 2,742.12 million, a
quarter- on- quarter increase of Baht 488.63 million or 21.68 %. This
increase was underpinned by growth in the number of aircraft
movement for 10.23% and passenger movement for 21.32%.
1.2 Non-Aeronautical Revenue for the 2nd quarter of fiscal
year 2006, AOT recorded non- aeronautical revenue of Baht 1,536.06
million, a quarter- on- quarter increase of Baht 178.51 million or
13.15 %. This increase was underpinned by growth in concession
revenue about 16.35%.
2. Operating Expenses for the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2006, AOT
recorded operating expense of Baht 1,722.24 million, increase of Baht
173.16 million or 11.18% from the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2005
(Baht 1,549.08 million). The increase caused by the following
2.1 Personnel Expense increased Bath 47.05 million or 10.26%
resulting from the annual salary adjustments.
2.2 Operating Expense increased Bath 123.10 million or 23.41%
resulting from the increase of electricity, outsourcing and public
relations expenses.
2.3 State property rental expenses increased Bath 27.62 million
or 16.60% resulting from the increase of operating income.
According to the above reasons, AOT operating income increased Baht
493.98 million or 23.96% and profit before interest and income tax
expenses reached Baht 4,956.13 million. The increase of profit before
interest and income tax expenses of Baht 1,748.94 million or 54.53%
from 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2005 is mainly from the foreign
exchange gain of Baht 1,848.31 million. Consequently, AOT has net
profit after tax for Baht 3,731.38 million, increase of Baht
1,112.13 million or 42.46 %.
Please be informed and further proceed with public disclosure
Yours sincerely,
Poolsiri Virojanapa
Vice President of Commercial and Investment
Management Department
Authorized Person