Ref. No. 459
19 January 2011
Subject: Change of the Audit Committee
To: President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand
As Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited ("AOT") held the Board of Directors Meeting No.1/2011 on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at AOT Board of Directors Meeting Room, 7th Floor, AOT Head Office, the meeting of the AOT Board of Directors has passed the following resolutions:
- The meeting approved that AOT proposes to the shareholders' meeting of Suvarnabhumi Airport Hotel Co., Ltd. ("SAH"), an AOT's subsidiary, that Mr. Pongsak Semson and Mr. Chakarn Saengruksawong, AOT's directors, be appointed as board members of the SAH. The appointment will be effective from January 28, 2011 onwards.
- Since the appointment mentioned in item no. 1 will cause Mr. Pongsak Semson to be disqualified as an audit committee member, the meeting resolved to appoint the new audit committee, provided that this appointment will be effective from January 29, 2011 onwards as follows:
2.1 Mr. Suthi Kreingchaiyapruk Chairman
2.2 Air Chief Marshal Bureerat Ratanavanich Member
2.3 Mr. Thanapich Mulapruk MemberPlease be informed accordingly.
Yours sincerely,
Company Secretary
Authorized person
Company Secretary Office
Tel. 0-2535-5657
Fax. 0-2535-5540