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Financial Performance Year 2009, decreases more than 20%

BackNov 30, 2009


Ref. No. 9568

30 November 2009

Subject: Notification of information regarding a deviation of more than 20% on financial performance for the fiscal year 2009 ended September 30th, 2009 compared with the same period of the previous year

To: President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand

According to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)'s regulation, any listed companies with deviation on financial performance on yearly basis more than 20% will have to provide detailed explanation for such deviation.

For the fiscal year 2009, starting October 1st, 2008 - September 30th, 2009, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (AOT) reported total operating revenues of Baht 21,502.39 million, total operating expenses of Baht 18,543.25 million and operating income of Baht 2,959.14 million. After including foreign exchange loss of Baht 1,848.82 million, interest expense of Baht 2,493.81 million, interest income of Baht 1,248.02 million and other incomes and expenses (net) of Baht 773.14 million, AOT has recorded the net profit after income tax and minority interests of Baht 717.26 million, a decrease of Baht 6,603.79 million or 90.20% from same period of the previous year.

The decrease on the financial performance was mainly due to the worldwide economic recession together with the 2009 flu pandemic and the domestic unrest situation which had caused an adverse impact to Thailand's tourist industry. Moreover, AOT has provided discount on fees, rental charges and concession fees at all airports under supervision of AOT to the airlines and business operators in accordance with the measures to promote Thailand's tourism for the period of 8-12 months beginning from January 1st, 2009 onwards. Comparing to the same period of the previous year, in which, AOT has recorded revenues and associated expenses from two private companies since the commencement of the Suvarnabhumi Airport (September 28th, 2006) to September 30th, 2007 in an amount of Baht 3,601.78 million in accordance with the Temporary Injunction by the Civil Court, the net profit of the fiscal year 2009 has dropped more than 20%.

Please be informed accordingly.

Yours sincerely,


Senior Executive Vice President (Planning and Finance)
Authorized Person

Accounting Department
Tel. 0-2535-1594
Fax. 0-2535-1855


  • 2009-11-30_AOT_3_EN.pdf (Size: 35,855 bytes)

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