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Date and Agendas for the 2007 AGM and Dividend Payment

BackDec 14, 2007

No. 8966

13 December 2007

Subject: Date and Agendas for the 2007 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting

To: President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand

Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) held the Board of Directors Meeting No.36/2007 on Thursday, 13th December 2007 at AOT Board of Directors Meeting Room, 7th Floor, AOT Head Office Building. AOT's Board of Directors resolved to hold the 2007 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting with its agendas as follows:

1. Closing date of the Company's share register for right to attend the 2007 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting and to receive dividend payment will be on Friday, 4th January 2008 from 12.00 hrs until the end of the meeting.

2. The 2007 Annual General Shareholder's Meeting will be held on Friday, 25th January 2008 at 14.00 hrs at the Banquet Room, Airport Club Building, 2nd floor, AOT Head Office.

3. The agendas of the 2007 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting are as follows:

Agenda 1 Consideration and approval of the Minutes of the 2006 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting
The Board of Directors' Opinion: The Minutes of the 2006 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting were accurately recorded. It was therefore appropriate for the Meeting to approve the Minutes of such meeting.

Agenda 2 Acknowledgement of the Company's operating results of 2007
The Board of Directors' Opinion: The Board found it appropriate for the Meeting to acknowledge the operating results of 2007.

Agenda 3 Consideration and approval of the Balance Sheets and Income Statements for the year ended September 30th, 2007
The Board of Directors' Opinion: The Board found it appropriate to approve the Balance Sheets and Income Statements for the year ended September 30th, 2007 which were already approved by the Audit Committee and certified by the auditor.

Agenda 4 Consideration on the appropriation of dividend payment according to the operating results in the accounting period 2007
The Board of Directors' Opinion: The Board found it appropriate to approve the appropriation of dividend payment for 2007 at the rate of Baht 0.40 per share with the total amount of Baht 571,428,000, or approximately 52.19% of the net profit, which will be payable to shareholders who are entitled to receive the dividend as listed in the share registration book when it is closed for the right to receive dividend on January, 4th 2008 at 12.00 hrs. The payment will be made by February, 22nd 2008.

Agenda 5 Consideration of the election of new directors to replace the directors who are due to retire by rotation, equivalent to 5 persons

(1) Mr.Kampree Kaocharern

(2) Mr.Chaisak Angkasuwan

(3) Mr.Nontaphon Nimsomboon

(4) Mr.Tortrakul Yomnak

(5) Pol.Gen.Sereepisuth Taemeeyaves

The Board of Directors' Opinion: The Nomination Committee has considered the qualified nominees who can contribute for the Company's success and proposed to elect:

(1) Mr.Kampree Kaocharern

(2) Mr.Thaworn Phanichpan

(3) Mr.Suphoth Sublom

(4) Mr.Nontaphon Nimsomboon

(5) Mr.Maitree Srinarawat

The Board found it appropriate for the Meeting to approve the election of the nominees as proposed by the Nomination Committee to replace the Company's directors who are due to retire by rotation.

Agenda 6 Consideration of the remuneration of the Board members
The Board of Directors' Opinion: The Remuneration Committee has considered to fix directors' and sub-committees' remuneration package for 2008 on the basis of duty and responsibility of the Board members and the information regarding the remuneration payment of the Board members of any other listed state enterprises. The Board found it appropriate for the Meeting to approve the remuneration of the Board members as follows:

1. Remuneration of the directors

(1) Monthly remuneration of Baht 20,000. If not holding the position for the full period, the remuneration will be calculated in accordance with the positioning timeframe.

(2) Meeting allowance of Baht 10,000 per meeting (for the meeting he/she is present only). If more than 2 meetings are held in any month, meeting allowance for only 2 meetings will be given per month.

2. Remuneration of the sub-committees

2.1 The Audit Committee
- Monthly remuneration of Baht 20,000. If no meeting is held in any month, meeting allowance shall be given as usual. And if not holding the position for the full period, the remuneration will be calculated in accordance with the positioning timeframe.

2.2 AOT's Board member who is appointed to be a member of committee, sub-committee or working groups, such Board member shall receive meeting allowance of Baht 10,000 per meeting (for the meeting he/she is present only). If more than 2 meetings are held in any month, meeting allowance for only 2 meetings will be given per month.

3. Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall additionally receive 25% and 12.5% respectively.

4. Remuneration and Meeting allowance of the Board of Directors for fiscal year 2008 shall be in the amount of not exceeding Baht 15,000,000.

5. Bonus for the Board of Directors for the year 2007
Bonus for the Board of Directors for the year 2007 shall be the amount of Baht 216,000 per person, totaling Baht 3,048,775. The calculation of bonus shall be based on the period of time in office whereby Chairman and Vice-Chairman will receive bonus in the amount higher than those of the Board of Directors in the amount of 25% and 12.5% respectively. The President, as a member of the Board of Directors, will also receive the bonus payment.

Agenda 7 Consideration of the appointment of an auditor and determination of the auditor's remuneration
The Board of Directors' Opinion: The new legislation on government auditing present Constitution has prescribed that the Office of the Auditor General of Thailand (OAG) is AOT's auditor and the Audit Committee has already considered the determination of the appropriate audit fee. The Board found it appropriate for the Meeting to appoint the OAG as AOT's auditor for the year 2008 and fix the audit fee of Baht 2,250,000 at the same rate of the year 2007.

Agenda 8 Other matter (If any)

Please be informed accordingly.


Yours sincerely,


Company Secretary Authorized person


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