No 6122
19 October 2006
Subject: To clarify the news in Khao Hun
To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Please refer to the news published in Khoa Hun newspaper dated 19 October 2006 on financial performances of Airports of Thailand PLC (AOT) in fiscal year 2006 (Oct 05- Sep 06), which said that"the compay's net profit is likely to reach 11,000 million Baht, a year-on-year increase of 48.64%, as it earned the net profit of 7,408 million Baht in fiscal year 2005. During the nine-month period, AOT has the net profit of 9,117 million Baht. The financial performances for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2006 (July) come from the 4,000 square meters contract."
AOT would like to inform you that the company did not provide said information to the newspaper. AOT also thanks the Stock Exchange of Thailand for the opportunity to clarify the news.
Please be informed accordingly
Your sincerely,
(Kulya Pakakrong)
Senior Executive Vice President (Planning and Finance)
Authorized person